Tuesday, July 13, 2010

X-box live a reputation system?

I think the question is more like... Is the X-box live system a GOOD reputation? Well according to most forums read over the internet, it seems a lot of people think that Microsoft put very little effort into making this system a good reputation system. Reputation rating is voted on by other players who decide to either prefer or avoid another player. The reputation defaults to 100% (Five stars) over time after one player has preferred a user. (Wikipedia) Below is what I got from people who actually play X-box live and understand how the the system really works:

- A player can build a reputation by advancing through levels and obtaining specific points for kills (head shots, number of kills etc.)
- Every time you advance through a level you accumulate points which classifies you as a type of user (prestige etc.)
- You can view other users you are about to play against. It reveals how many kills they have, what percentage of accuracy they have, how many levels they have unlocked and what they are classified as.
- Every game is different (shootings, sports etc).
- Some people talk about the star and feedback system. 5 stars means you have a high reputation… you only have less than 5 if you haven’t played enough games or are new to x-box. Some say this system is flawed (mentioned in a lot of forums).

Below are some of the forums I read when researching:







From all the forums I have read, it seems that most people are quite annoyed with the way this system works. If people have issues with players that are good, they can easily give them negative feedback which in turn gives them a hit on their reputation. Microsoft has the right to ban people after they have made several offenses (rude and vulgar talking etc). Positive feedback is rare... but does enhance your reputation. So all in all, it seems the system is flawed and could use some improvements to effectively and accurately build player's reputations.

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